- Nariman A.
- Beach
You can only have a safe and carefree relaxation and the ultimate feeling of freedom when the beach is safe. In order to ensure that bathers and entrepreneurs enjoy their time on the beach to its fullest, these posts are essential. Sluis recently invested in three new beach posts and a new structure.
Anton Mekkering is the manager of the teams responsible for safety on the beaches of the municipality of Sluis on behalf of the RSG Safety company. He is very satisfied with the new beach posts where he can work with his team. “At the moment the posts are still being completed, but we have already started using them. And that went very well. We now have separate areas for storage, first aid and the lookout and it allows us to offer privacy which is of course quite important for the first aid procedures.” The designs of the beach posts date from the era that was before Coronavirus, but, according to Anton, the new housing is perfectly suitable for the current time. “Of course it’s because of the separated spaces, but also because it is more spacious. It’s much easier to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters than it was under the old conditions.”
Central position
Another important advantage is the better positioning of the posts on the beach. “The new building is placed in the middle of swimming areas and it’s closer to them. This gives us a significantly better view of what is happening in the water. Of course, safety in the water and on the beach remains our primary task and we can achieve this goal better in this way.” In addition, the visibility of the beach posts has been improved. “They are highly visible buildings with a central position and a striking, uniform appearance. As a result, the bathers know where to find us and that is also an improvement for safety and health on the beach.”
The municipality actively contributed to the position and design of the beach posts. Anton thinks that not only the design and placement, but also the construction behind maintenance and responsibility for the beach posts has improved. “In the past, certain beach pavilion owners were responsible for maintaining the beach posts. They have done this conscientiously, but it actually does not make much sense to combine the functions of commerce and security in this way. The municipality is now taking on that part of the maintenance itself. But we do seek each other out when necessary.They see certain developments and problems earlier than we do and we can help them in the field of safety. In this way, together we ensure a better quality on the beach and that ultimately helps everyone.”